Saturday, June 10, 2023, the 1st day of the 54th CISM World Military Sailing Championship started with five sailing races.
The Greek crew «entering» very strongly to the Championship won the first race (R1-1) and ranked 3rd in the 3rd race (R3-3) in which the Ukrainian team ended first (R3-1). The Brazilian team won the 2nd (R2-1) and the 4th race (R4-1). The Spanish team came first at the 5th race (R5-1).
The teams’ ranking of the first day of the Championship is as the table below:
After the end of the races of the first day Sgt Tiago Loch Quevedo crew member of the Brazilian team stated his satisfaction with the excellent organization, the high level of the races and tough competition between all countries.
The Olympic gold medalist of Athens 2004, Major Emilia Tsoulfa mentioned among other things that the crews of all countries are very strong and that the conditions of the race pose a special challenge for her and the crew of the Greek team, in order to be placed in the first places.